Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Last Minute Help

It is not long now until our 2014 Mission Awareness Trip team fly out on 3rd January to Kenya.
We have been fund raising all year towards projects that we plan to help with while in Kenya.
There is still time to contribute towards our projects, or perhaps you have a 2nd hand laptop or iPad you could donate. What a wonderful Christmas gift!

Here's a list of what we are hoping to fund during this trip.

¨ Water filtration for Dagoretti Corner school (approx. $3,500)
¨ School stationary
¨ Sanitary supplies for boarding school girls
¨ Photocopier for Dagoretti Corner H/S
¨ Teachers supplies
¨ School Text books
¨ 2nd hand laptop or iPad for student use
¨ Sport uniforms
¨ Science laboratory chemicals
¨ Maize and beans for school lunches

See our website  www.kenya-help.org.au to contribute financially or contact admin@kenya-help.org.au to donate a laptop or iPad.

Thank you. Your contribution will make a world of difference to someone in Kenya.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Market Day and Car Boot Sale - 19th Oct 2013

A fundraising event for the Kenya Help 2014 MAT

Please spread the word and invite friends, neighbours and family to come and support the 2014 Mission Awareness Trip team.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Movie Night - Fundraising Event

Monday 12th August 2013
Arrive from 6pm
Roxy Cinema Complex Nowra
Light snacks, tea and coffee are provided before the movie
All proceeds go to the projects of the Kenya Help 2014 Mission Awareness Trip. During the trip, they will be donated to or used to benefit people or projects in Kenya.
Tickets are only available from Kenya Help 2014 MAT team members.
For further details or tickets contact 0403 499 273

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kenya Help Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

August 2013

12th August - Movie Night @ The Roxy Nowra: Now You See Me

October 2013

Car Boot Sale & Markets @ Bomaderry Anglican Church

November 2013

Theatre Night @ Nowra Players: Four Flat Whites in Italy

January 2014

2014 Mission Awareness Trip

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Recent messages from Kenya

These are two recent messages from Kenya.

There is need to consider to sponsor some of the youngest children that have been orphaned by death of Julius Magware from Dagoretti Corner Primary School. He left 8 children and a widow.

We have very needy 6 girl students at Elyon High School that have just arrived empty handed and need help - three from South Coast, two from Masaai and one from Kawangware Slums. Each will need about AUD $1000 per year to feed them both in semesters and holidays since they have lost family support through death of parents, attempted forced marriages and circumcisions.

For Kenya Help to be able to help these and similar children in need, we need new supporters.

Can ya help? 

Monday, April 8, 2013

2014 MAT team is set



Our team is now decided for the next Mission Awareness Trip to Kenya in January 2014.
There will be a total of 13 including 4 leaders.
One interesting fact about this team is that apart from Peter and Rob (2 of our leaders), the entire team is female.
This will make the role of our other 2 leaders, Linda and Belinda, even more vital as they provide pastoral care for the team.