It is not long now until our 2014 Mission Awareness Trip team fly out on 3rd January to Kenya.
We have been fund raising all year towards projects that we plan to help with while in Kenya.
There is still time to contribute towards our projects, or perhaps you have a 2nd hand laptop or iPad you could donate. What a wonderful Christmas gift!
Here's a list of what we are hoping to fund during this trip.
¨ Water filtration for Dagoretti Corner school (approx. $3,500)
¨ School stationary
¨ Sanitary supplies for boarding school girls
¨ Photocopier for Dagoretti Corner H/S
¨ Teachers supplies
¨ School Text books
¨ 2nd hand laptop or iPad for student use
¨ Sport uniforms
¨ Science laboratory chemicals
¨ Maize and beans for school lunches
See our website to contribute financially or contact to donate a laptop or iPad.
Thank you. Your contribution will make a world of difference to someone in Kenya.